Odense University Hospital (OUH)
OUH is operated by Region of Southern Denmark and one of the largest hospitals and public healthcare authorities in Denmark. The hospital has extensive experience with running and participating in large international innovation and health care projects. In STOP, several departments will participate; the departments of Gynaecology and Obstetrics, Centre for Innovative Medical Technology (CIMT), and the Family Centre.
In STOP, OUH is responsible for the project coordination, communication, and evaluation, the development of the Danish screening tool and local screening of pregnant women. Furthermore, OUH holds the responsibility of the Danish STOP pilot.

The OUH team in STOP is:

Prof. Dr. Vibeke Rasch
Vibeke is a professor at the Institute of Clinical Research and Consultant at the Department of Gynaecology and Obstetrics. She has more than 25 years of experience with sexual and reproductive health research in low income countries and intimate partner violence.
She is the Coordinator of STOP and responsible for the development and implementation of the STOP services in the Danish pilot.

Ditte Søndergaard Linde
Ditte is a public health scientist with a PhD in global health and technology. Her field of expertise is within randomised controlled trials, qualitative methods, and systematic reviews and meta-analyses. In the STOP project, she is involved in WP2 and WP4 and as a PhD supervisor.

Prof. Berit Schei
Berit is a professor at NTNU in Norway. She has an affiliation to the University of Southern Denmark. With many years of experience in projects related to IPV, Berit holds the role as an advisor of the STOP project with special focus on protocol development and ethical and legal aspects.

Karen Andreasen
Karen is a midwife at the Department of Gynaecology and Obstetrics at Odense University Hospital. In STOP, she is involved in WP4 as a PhD-student, where she leads the implementation of the Danish screening tool and video counselling and safety planning app. She is also responsible for the evaluation of the Danish intervention.

Lea Ankerstjerne
In STOP, Lea is involved in WP2 and the Danish screening intervention.
Lea is currently on maternity leave.
Centre for Telepsychiatry (CTP)
The Centre for Telepsychiatry is part of the Region of Southern Denmark and is a research and development centre within the regional Mental Health Services. The aim of the centre is to promote the use of telepsychiatry and eMental health to improve the quality and accessibility of care for people with mental health problems. The centre includes a unique combination of experienced professionals, counting psychology, public health, engineering, IT, user experience, web design, and social sciences. They are committed to develop, research and implement innovative technology-based interventions that are clinically relevant, safe to use and meaningful to its users.
In STOP, CTP is responsible for the development and implementation support of the video counselling intervention and safety planning app. Furthermore, CTP will conduct training of counsellors in both partner countries on how to conduct video counselling.

The CTP team in STOP is:

Kristine Falk Pedersen
Kristine is currently on maternity leave.
At the Center of Telepsychiatry, Kristine facilitates the implementation of video consultations and help develop the video software and infrastructural setup for video consultation in outpatient services. She is the leader of work package 3 (WP3) developing the video counselling service and safety planning app for pregnant women exposed to IPV.

Lisbeth Thisted
Lisbeth is a chief consultant at CTP and the team leader for the Development and Implementation team. Lisbeth has been working with innovation and technology across the health care sector for several years.

Emilie Brysting
Emilie is a consultant at CTP and the daily project manager of the STOP project and consortium. Emilie has been working with management of EU projects for many years.

Malene Lagoni
Malene is temporary leader of work package 3 (WP3) supporting the video counselling and use of the safety planning app for pregnant women exposed to IPV. At the Centre for Telepsychiatry, Malene facilitates the implementation of video consultations and supprt the development of the video software and infrastructural setup for video consultations in outpatient services.
University of Granada (UGR)
The University of Granada is located in the region of Andalusia in the Southern part of Spain. UGR is known for offering a cutting-edge combination of teaching, research, healthcare and knowledge transfer. In STOP, UGR participates with the university Hospital and Departments of Forensic Medicine, Preventive Medicine and Public Health, Software Systems and Experimental Psychology. UGR has previous experience of conducting multicentre studies for IPV in pregnancy in Andalusia.
In STOP, UGR is responsible for the development of the Spanish eHealth application as well as the local screening of pregnant women. Additionally, UGR will carry out the feasibility study and assist the cross-validation of the screening tools and video counselling tool.

The UGR team in STOP is:

Prof. Dr. Stella Martin de las Heras
Stella is Full Professor (BDS, MD, PhD) in the Department of Forensic Medicine at the University of Granada, Spain. She has a large experience researching and leading research projects. One of her main areas of expertise is gender violence. She is the Spanish overall responsible partner for STOP project.

Prof. Dr. Aurora Bueno-Cavanillas
Aurora is a full professor in Public Health and Preventive Medicine. In STOP, she supports the implementation of the Spanish intervention.

Prof. Dr. Khalid Saeed Khan
Khalid is Distinguished Investigator (Beatriz Galindo programme) at the University of Granada, Spain. With an h-index >90 he has published over 400 peer-reviewed papers and supervised 25 higher-degree theses. Khalid is among the top 2% most influential scientists in the world. In the STOP project, he is responsible for WP5 concerning the pilot randomised controlled trial.

Prof. Jesús López Megías
Jesús is Full Professor and Head of the Department of Experimental Psychology at the University of Granada. He has extensive experience leading research projects in his main area or expertise: gender-based violence. In the project, he is special advisor on IPV and psychological counseling.

Prof. Juan Carlos Torres Cantero
Juan Carlos is Full Professor (BDS, MD, PhD) in the Department of Software Syetms at the University of Granada, Spain. He has been researching on Computer Graphics for more than 30 years. His role in the project is to advice on the use and development of Information Technology tools.

Antonella Ludmila Zapata-Calvente
Antonella is a Postdoctoral researcher in Faculty of Psychology at the University of Granada, Spain. She has conducted her PhD on the role of macrosocial, ideological and individual factors involved in intimate partner violence against women and in the gender symmetry debate. She supports the coordination of the project in Spain and she is involved in the execution of several tasks.

Prof. Juan Miguel Martínez Galiano
Juan Miguel (PhD) has worked for many years as a midwife and investigates different aspects of sexual and reproductive health, including intimate partner violence against women. He currently works as a professor of Sexual and Reproductive Health at the University of Jaén. In the STOP project, he is in charge of training midwives, recruiting women who participate, and collecting data.

Sabina De León de León
Sabina is a General Health Psychologist attached to the Mind, Brain and Behavior Research Center at University of Granada (CIMCYC-UGR) and she has a Master’s degree in Prevention and Intervention in Gender Violence. In STOP, she is in charge of the video counselling and the safety planning for the pregnant women, in addition to collaborating on the training of the midwives.

Rodrigo Fernández López
Rodrigo is a General Health Psychologist with a Master’s degree in cognitive neuroscience. In STOP, he is in charge of the screening process in the Spanish implementation site. He also supports the recruitment and training of midwives and the data collection in general.
Odense University Hospital (OUH)
OUH is operated by Region of Southern Denmark and one of the largest hospitals and public healthcare authorities in Denmark. The hospital has extensive experience with running and participating in large international innovation and health care projects. In STOP, several departments will participate; the departments of Gynaecology and Obstetrics, Centre for Innovative Medical Technology (CIMT), and the Family Centre.
In STOP, OUH is responsible for the project coordination, communication, and evaluation, the development of the Danish screening tool and local screening of pregnant women. Furthermore, OUH holds the responsibility of the Danish STOP pilot.

The OUH team in STOP is:

Prof. Dr. Vibeke Rasch
Vibeke is a professor at the Institute of Clinical Research and Consultant at the Department of Gynaecology and Obstetrics. She has more than 25 years of experience with sexual and reproductive health research in low income countries and intimate partner violence.
She is the Coordinator of STOP and responsible for the development and implementation of the STOP services in the Danish pilot.

Ditte Søndergaard Linde

Ivar Benjamin Horte
Ivar works as a consultant at the Centre for Innovative Medical Technology. He is experienced in managing the administrative aspects of international collaborations which is also his role in the STOP project.

Prof. Berit Schei
Berit is a professor at NTNU in Norway. She has an affiliation to the University of Southern Denmark. With many years of experience in projects related to IPV, Berit holds the role as an advisor of the STOP project with special focus on protocol development and ethical and legal aspects.

Bjarne Rønde Christensen

Jan Stener Jørgensen
The CTP team in STOP is:

Kristine Falk Pedersen
Kristine is a consultant at CTP with several years of experience in developing and implementing video counselling solutions in the psychiatric field. Kristine is responsible for leading the development of the STOP video counselling service – Work Package 3.

Lisbeth Thisted Andersen
Lisbeth is a chief consultant at CTP and the team leader for the Development and Implementation team. Lisbeth has been working with innovation and technology across the health care sector for several years.

Emilie Nielsen
Emilie is a consultant at CTP and the daily project manager of the STOP project and consortium. Emilie has been working with management of EU projects for many years.
The UGR team in STOP is:

Prof. Dr. Stella Martin de las Heras
Stella is a full professor at the Department of Forensic Medicine.
In STOP, she is responsible for…..

Prof. Dr. Aurora Bueno-Cavanillas
Aurora is a full professor in Public Health and Preventive Medicine.
In STOP, she is responsible for…

Prof. Dr. Khalid Saeed Khan
Khalid is a full professor of Women’s health and clinical epidemiology at Barts and the London School of Medicine. He is also Honorary Consultant Obstetrician-Gynaecologist at Barts Health NHS Trust. He has an affiliation to UGR as….
In the STOP project, he holds the responsibility of the feasibility study for continuation and upscaling of the STOP services.

Prof. Jesús López Megías
Jesús is a full professor at the faculty of psychology. In the STOP project he is responsible for hiring and supporting the psychologists who will conduct the video counselling sessions in the Spanish site.

Prof. Juan Carlos Torres Cantero
Juan Carlos is a full professor of…. In STOP, he is responsible for….