Participatory Workshop
The purpose of the participatory workshops was to gather information and input from relevant stakeholders in both Spain and Denmark to develop the STOP intervention covering both the Video Counselling and Safety Planning app.
The workshops are considered a very important source for information guiding the development of the intervention.
- The Spanish workshop was completed on September 30, 2020, with six participants from different Spanish NGO’s.
- The Danish workshop was completed on September 17, 2020, with six participants from different Danish NGO’s.
The focus of both workshops was to discuss and receive input about the needs of woman exposed to IPV, the content of the video counselling service, and desired features of the safety planning app. The participants were presented with the app, “MyPlan”, that has been identified as the safety planning app to be used in STOP.
To conduct the interviews a few changes has been implemented to meet the requirements of COVID-19 guidelines. Despite these changes, the workshop participants provided valuable input in line with input that would have been delivered in the originally planned setting. Thus, the input gathered has guided the development of the intervention as it was set out in the project description.
The workshops were to be conducted by the WP3 leader and in a physical format. However, COVID-19 restrictions required some changes. The Spanish workshop was carried out by project partners from UGR due to travel restrictions between Denmark and Spain. The UGR team had received a workshop guideline and thorough instructions prior to the workshops to ensure alignment between the Danish and Spanish workshops. The WP3 leader participated via video to support the workshop if necessary. In the Danish workshop, one participant was not able to join in person and therefore, a video connection was established.
Despite these changes implemented to meet the requirements of COVID-19 guidelines, the workshop participants provided valuable input in line with input that would have been delivered in the originally planned setting. Thus, the input gathered has guided the development of the intervention as it was set out in the project description.
As this deliverable is confidential, it is not available here.